The Humanity Foundation - NGO in Nugegoda

 Business Page / by Piyumi Divyanjali / 602 views / Popular

The Humanity Foundation is a non-profitable organization that located in Nugegoda which dedicated to welfare of rural communities. This organization was founded by four members and they are acting as directors of the organization. This group consists with three directors and a chairperson who are keen on facilitating differently abled students to help their education.

Our members who deliberately helping differently abled students and victims of natural disasters since several years as individuals and now we formed as an organization to accelerate the good causes that we carried out throughout the time

The Foundation is a body corporate with its own legal identity which is separate from its office-bearers
and members. The Foundation will continue to exist even if the members change.

Our Goal is Enhance quality of life of differently abled students by providing better health facilities and other necessities for day to day life.


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  • Listing ID: 9294
  • pages: New
Contact details

No:1/67, Sri Soratha Mawatha, Gangodawila, NugegodaColombo,sri Lanka,10250 [email protected]

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