
Zenith Academy - Education Institute in Kandy

 Business Page / by Thivanshika Dilhani / 854 views / Popular

Zenith Academy is the best leading Education Institute in Kandy and nearby areas. We will be known as the seedbed of life-long achievement of our students. Our Students, successful in their careers and in their communities, will identify Zenith Academy as the place where their achievement began. The mission at Zenith is to provide Residential camps for A/L & O/L students. Language in English camping. In partnership with parents and the community, Zenith will graduate students who are successful lifelong learners and responsible citizens of their school, community, neighborhoods, and beyond.

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Zenith will meet the needs of the growing diverse population of central including the special student population group that is challenged by Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and comes with interrupted educational backgrounds. will identify Zenith Academy as the place where their achievement began.


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077 3296504

071 7893801
















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Contact details

No.21, Akkara Paha, Ranawana Road, KatugastotaKatugastota,sri Lanka,20800 0773296594 [email protected] https://website-668903531951585541346-school.business.site/?m=true

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